Vision for Electronic Mass Media (EMM) Usage related Rational Uses of Field Irrigation in Menia and Kafr ElShiekh Governorates

نوع المستند : بحوث علمية


Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute


Research aims at identifying impact of EMM related rational uses of field irrigation, to setup a vision for its usage. Social survey by samples was used, a purposive sample was selected amounted to 260 who agreed to participate and have accounts in studied EMM from Menia and Kafrelshiekh governorates. Data was collected by personal interview utilizing a tested questionnaire in April 2022, statistical tools were used to analyze and present data.  The main results were as follows: Facebook ranked first from point view of respondents, also it was restricted 13 WhatsApp groups, 59 Facebook pages, 11 YouTube accounts, 11 electronic applications, and 34 websites the respondents were participated on it that related rational uses of field irrigation. Almost of the respondents were implemented knowledge loaded on the studied EMM, beside most of the respondents were advised other farmers to implement this knowledge; which indicate the good impact of the educational messages that loaded on this studied EMM; Therefore, it’s recommended to update these messages content to cope with local and global crises, such as the climate change impact. Accordingly, a vision suggested for developing the usage of studied EMM, which included structuring, financing, networking, and monitoring & evaluation.

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